Monday, 9 March 2009

The Totalitarianizing of Britain:
Britain 'nation of form fillers watched by quarter of world's CCTV cameras'

Britain has become a bureaucratic and authoritarian state watched over by a quarter of the world's CCTV cameras, a study of Labour's decade in power claims.

"A new form of centralised government and authoritarian government has been created that is worse than ever in Britain's recent history."


1 comment:

  1. EU: At you can vote, if you will get involved in the following two important topics:
    The Europeans are enlarging their Union!
    The Europeans elect their President!
    Please click "Vote" and “Yes” or “No” at the “We Change Europe”-Website.

    Article 11.4 of the Lisbon Treaty could be the key for solving the European democracy problem. What will happen, if it can be done, when several million votes are collected concerning a specific topic? What if, should there be that many articulated voices, the Commission has to listen to them and then act? These are the questions which “We Change Europe” would like to answer with their initiative.
